
Welcome to BryceLoski Blog

Saturday, May 28, 2011


     Huuft i think it's a bad day my live..cause I wanna follow Étoile photo contest and guess what...... I'm late post that pict...I saw the etoule fanpage has been announcement the winner!I shocked....... After i edit it so hard and work all the day and i didn't get anything...I even get some trouble with my friend and angry with me ...... AAHH... give me a break. This day like I'm gonna explode BOOOM even more I got the wrong notice from my friend, and my others friend didn't reply my message or contact me or something.......for this day I'm so mad.......Facebook ERROR aarggghh........ this day so not my day......

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Étoile Event 2011


      This is amazing right? there are two Photo contest and if you win there is a reward :D. I wanna follow this event and have more chance tho win :D. If you wanna follow this event just read this below. This from Étoile Family.


    Take a picture of you and your partner anywhere in Ameba Pico world starting May 23, 2011 to May 27,2011!

    Winners will be posted on Étoile blog and will be receiving 500AG from BryWIJ Étoile.

Étoile Photo Contest 2011

  • Date: From May 21, 2011 to May 27, 2011 and winners will be announce on May 28, 2011(Satuday)
  • Prize: 2 winners will be chosen by Étoiles will be posted on our blog + recieving 500AG each. The two winners will be contacted by BryWIJ Étoile. *Only one photo will be chosen. The BEST Couple Photo*
  • How to Join:
  1. Visit our Fanpage on face book and make sure you "Like" it for you to able to post your entry. <>
  2. Submit your photo with your Ameba Pico Nickname and do not change it and your face until the winners are announced.
  3. Make sure you have your own originality with your photo.

  • Make sure your photo has originality
  • Do not change your Pico Nickname as well ass your face until the announcement.
  • Post your Ameba Pico ID with your Photo.
Special Thanks to 

    BryWIJ  Étoile
    Étoile Family Membes
    Or follow this link

    Saturday, May 21, 2011


                It's been a while since a week I didn't posting again, maybe lol. Many thing I have done such as take a pict or could I say lot of pictures, hang out with friends, met the famous pico, come to prom, and much more. Last week I've been trying to edit some photo, crazy, hard, difficult, but fun. One thing if you want your photo looks good, you must edit it.Hummmm.... many pict I want to show you all hahah.
    Okay I tell you this one, thats me, my sis and my friends. I look cute right :D. I'm taking pictures with theme Sailor. Actually I want take a photo with my family but, my another friend show up and we dicided to take some photo with him. I think taking some pictures are fun! Don't know why but I'm enyoying that. 

    This me and ♠Oi♠ Sasa Mii at prom night 2011. We are cute are we? :D. We want follow the photo contest. So hard to take one photo only, many people bother us, block me or my friend, comment and many others.
    When we are dancing, there is one person who want to dance with me. She follow us and ask me to be her partner again and again. I say I already have a partner, if you want to dance, dance with us not only me. But she keep want to get rid of ♠Oi♠ Sasa Mii, so we move to another place again and again until we dance with Etoile sisters and she cry and "poof" she gone. We are no rude right, I mean everybody have a privacy right. But I feel rude and sorry for that. Huft "girls" I don't know in girls mind. 

    We can't choose what photo that we want to be upload so....we upload all pictures that has been taken XD.

    Tuesday, May 17, 2011


       It's really cool right? winning a crown and ameba gold :D..... take a pict of your self or you can have a partner. Today I start to take a pict with my friend and so hard to choose wich one that i want to post in Ameba Pico fanpage. If you want this the price, start take some pict now and if you don't want it, it's very good cause my rival decrease one again XD. Follow this step......

    Take a picture of yourself having a super exciting  Prom Day in  the High School Area area and share it with us!! It’s starting from today until May 30th 2011 (Mon) on GMT!!

    10 winners with best photos are selected by Chloe and Thomas will be receivingShining Prom Crown and 1,000 AmebaGold!


    Now, follow the instruction below carefully to join!

    Prom Photo Contest 2011

     Date: Entry accepted from 5/16/2011 (Mon.) until 5/30/2011 (Mon.) on GMT

     Prize: 10 winners  selected by Chloe and Thomas will be receiving Shining Prom Crowns and 1,000 AmebaGold. *Limited Item

     Ways to do it:

    • for facebook Pico users
    1. Make sure you become a fan of Ameba Pico
      visit the link below and  simply click “Like” button while you are logged in to facebook.
    2. Take a photo with Pico camera, save it to your facebook album or your PC.
    3. Post a picture to the Ameba Pico fan page wall with your Pico name!
    • for non facebook Pico users
    a. If you don’t play Pico on facebook but you have a facebook, then you can just post the photo on your facebook wall after you saved it to your PC.
    1. Make sure you become a fan of Ameba Pico
      visit the link below and  simply click “Like” button while you are logged in to facebook.
      < >
    2. Take a photo with Pico camera, save it to your facebook album or your PC.
    3. Post a picture to the Ameba Pico fan page wall with your Pico name!
    b. If you don’t have a facebook page but have your own blog
    1. If you have a blog, take a photo with Pico camera and save it to your PC.
    2. Post the photo to your blog or homepage with a comment about your Pico life, how you are enjoying Pico.
      *be sure to include your Pico nick name you would like the rewards to be credited to. (do not change your Pico Nickname)
    3. Comment on this blog with a link of your blog page, the page you posted your Pico photo.
      *be sure Thomas or Chloe can post a comment.
    • Must be original; make sure it is YOU in the photo.
    • Please make sure that when more than two Picos enter the same photo, the winner will be picked randomly.
    • Abide by Ameba Pico’s Terms of Service.
    • Must be appropriate for all ages to view.


    Wow it's really great huh? Hunting Oliver in prom hahha lol. Many pico say that Oliver Campaign is the most event that pico waited. Hmm actually I never meet Happy Oliver and I want meet happy Oliver this year :D oh yah this Cloe say...

    Hello, everyone! This is Chloe. Happy Oliver is BACK!
    He will come and join the Prom event for only THREE DAYS at a certain time!
    Look for him, dance with him, and Props!!!

    He is going to choose three lucky Pico’s, and give out 1000 AmebaGold!! Share your Pico spirit to him, and celebrate this special occasion!

    He could be anywhere in the Pico world, so ask round your friends and follow Happy Oliver! He might give you a hint from twitter! So follow this ID!!

    Twitter ID: amebapico

    Find Happy Oliver and Win ameba Gold

    *you can only prop him once a day
    Wednesday 5/18/2011, Thursday 5/19/2011, Friday 5/20/2011 (GMT)
    *Everyday, for three days, three winners will be chosen randomly by Happy Oliver and will be announced the day after. (Friday’s winner will be announced on Monday).

     Prize: 1000 AmebaGold for each winner
    *Winners will be chosen randomly

     How to participate:

    1. Look around the Pico World and find Happy Oliver.
    2. Click on Happy Oliver so that his profile screen appears.
    3. Click on [Props] to give him a prop!
    Wonder if i win this campaign hahaha...... i must really insane XD. I hope i win this campaign please god......

    Easy Way

    Are you like playing slot? Are you tired clicking evryday? You wanna to quikly get C$ than i expect to use this tips.I knew this trick since i read someone blog and its the easy way to get C$ i think. Well, i do this almost if there any sot campign event :D

    Step 1
    All you have to do this download my favorite auto clicker. Well I think, this is the best and easiest auto-clicker I used. It's really friendly and no hard time on setting :D

    (AutoMouseClicker 2.20)

    Step 2
    As you completed on downloading the file, Right Click on it and Extract the file ( either Extract Files or Extract Here)

    Step 3

        As you finish extracting the zip file, Double Click the AutoMouseClicker Icon and the window will Appear.

    Step 4 

        Click Locate and then Click to the place you wanted to click automatically then Click Start.

    1.) The x and y numberings shows the location of the point where you set at. This numberings automatically calculated as you locate the point.

    2.) By clicking 'locate' means you are going to assign where you wanted to click automatically.

    3.) 1000 is the value of 1second. So, if you want to change it more 1 second just change the 1.
    1000 =2sec.
    4.) If you're done on setting 1.),2.) ans 3.)... Click 'Start' if you want to begin.
    5.) Where you set the number of times of Clicking per second.
    6.) Timer of Counts.

    Bonus Time Help
    (Recommended Setting)

        Well, Many of you were having problems regarding Bonus time. So now, I'm going to teach you how I do it while I'm relaxing! :)

        Open your AutoMouseClicker  then Option>Configure Mouse Events or Ctrl+E and this window will appear.
    1.) The two boxes shows the X and Y measurement. Click the < icon to Locate.
    2.) Check the box if you're going to use the Left Click. Uncheck the box if you're going to use Right Click.
    3.) Seconds/Milliseconds settings.
    4.) Click 'Add Events' if you want to click more than 1.
    5.) Clear Events to delete your settings.
    6.) When you check the 'Auto Minimize', as you click the 'Start Events' this window will automatically minimized.
    7.) 'Loop Events' is the settings of number of rounds of your designated event.
    8.) 'Start Events' to begin your event.
    9.) If you check the 'Loop Events'. Edit the number inside the box on how many you want the events repeated. IF YOU WANT INFINITE CLICK JUST ADD 0.

    Step 1
    Click the 'Add Event' 4 times and you'll have 5 on your numberings

    Step 2
    Click the < 
    icon and Locate the position where you're going to click. Do this process same with others. Make sure you locate the 'Max Bet' and the 4 boxes in Bonus Time.

    Step 3 Click 'Start Events' to begin.

        That's All! Easy Right? Just 3 Steps and you can relax! You don't really have to give all of your time just to click and watch out for the Bonus Time come. So, Good Luck!

    Thursday, May 5, 2011

    The Story Of the Boy

    I just got home and I'm wet because the rain fall one by one on my jacket. Today, rain felt different than usual....I'm look at the window and think.....when the rain would stop?...Listen to the songs...
    Maybe because my feeling are strange. I remembered The Story about The Boy that have a bad temper. One day at the village, lived a boy and his father. The boy can't control his anger and always mad. He hurt the feeling of many people cause of his anger. The next day his father thinking and then he talk to his apologize to the person who hurt by him. He start to apologize to all the people in the village.....everybody. And then his father told him to go to with him tomorrow.
    The sun was rise. he wake up from his slumber. His father call him loudly and he was getting ready.They both went to the barn, and the boy ask his father "what are we doin' at here?" and his father say "you will stay a month in here". He start angry to his father..... and his father say "if you angry and everytimes you angry, plugs this nail at that fence as lot as you can until your anger go down. I'll meet you 1 month later".
    He start plugs the nail at the fence with hammer that give by his father cause hes angry. One day later he plug the nail again again and again as the day passed. Many nail that have been stuck on the fence. One month later the boy can control his emotions. His father came and told him to pull out the nail one by one once a day. 
    One month later again,his father show up and pick him... and say 
    "Son, look at the scar on that fence. It was the people that  hurt by you. No matter how you pull out the nail, no matter you're say sorry to them, the scar will remain in their heart." and the boy realize it, he feel sad and promise will not do it again. They went home and eat some food. 
                               -The End-

    *Lesson : Don't hurt deeply to the people. No matter how many you say sorry to them, a scar will remain in their heart. :'|

    Wednesday, May 4, 2011


    I'm really sorry if my blog contain of privacy who does not deserve to be discussed. A friend of mine told me to edit my post cause that maybe too execrable for him/her. And I apologize for the mistake that i made, I am very disappointed with what I have done it before. Now I know that blogs can also cause a risk and might be danger if someone disagree and prosecute me. Since now I am afraid if there are mistakes in the typing. If you find a mistake or misconception, please contact me or  comment a post wich contain of mistakenpess. Forgive me when it's happen again.


    I went to japanese park 1 with ♠Oi♠lee han su. I see two person talking about something, wearing Halloween costum and a pick dress. We approach them, and he said if we say trick or treat he give us some candy..... and then we say "trick or treat
    And guess what, he's lying, he didn't give us some candy. We start punch him but he laughing.... and then we stop kick him and talk.... we joke each other.
    After that I leave japan park and went to casino to play slot....I met ♠Oi♠ sasa mii. While we play slot we are chating about something.

    A Help

    It's confusing to make a perfect blog.... like this one i try to edit my blog but there is a problem the image that i post there is the outline. It's make me annoyed grr..... and then a started to browse and ask my friends, and then my friend from ♠Oi♠ (its my clan) told me if you want the outline disappear you have to edit the image in design> template design> advanced> image and then I started follow that step and it didn't work......the image doesn't there and she said maybe it's your template.
    Lee han su with me
    Then i started to change my template to simple and it's work thx.... her nick at pico is ♠Oi♠lee han su and finally i visit her room and ask her to take a picture. After we finish take a picture, she shoked when i told her "I will post this picture in my blog" and she said you didn't told me before...... hahhahha.


    This is the emotion on ameba pico. Its help me a lot when i didn't have action :D
    This may will help you in ameba pico..... try it

    /sad - a drop water will come out
    /nekohebi - pink cat will come out 
    /kiss - a red lip comes out 
    /thumb - a Thumb out will come out 
    /heart - two hearts will come out
    /conf - a twirly circle comes out 
    /insp - a light bulb will come out 
    /fun - music notes will come out 
    /panda - a cute panda will come out 
    /angry - simbol of angry will come out
    /big - you will get big (released last April.1,2010 april fools day) 
    /1st - your head getting big (released at 1st anniversary and expired in april)
    /sit - you will sit 
    /zzz - you will sleep while your sitting 
    /stand - you can stand in a chair 
    /min - you will turn MINI 
    /big - you will get big but this Action is expired Action released when april fools day

    If there's a nwe updates, I will tell you immediately :)

    One User

    Do you know who they are? hahahaha two girls are my sisters, usually they wear the macthing dress and act like a twin but actually they are not twin. Sometimes people think that two girls are twin lol....
    Even though they are not really active in pico or I can say they are never play ameba pico. They often seen with me and follow whenever I move and looks like they rarely speak. Her nick are Maretha Laksmi, she's blonde curly hair with blue eyes. She didn't know anything about pico and her character cause she's busy with her school.

    And the second is Dwita Oh, She know about pico and she even saw me when I'm playing. Shes like her own character when I show her, she say "thats the cute one" hahha and i thought that I'm the best character creator ^_^. Her character type like maretha laksmi but little bit different. But she now never play it again huhuuhu so sad. I undertaken them and operate them like the normal pico and you can see if they are show up it's me lol......

    In fact, I have a lot character in Ameba Pico, probably around 17 or less hahhhaha i'm doing that cause I'm bored. I operate them with one browser hahaha  insaine but it's fun cause they think we are the different people :D but the only one of my character is BryceLoski.

    Server Error

    Hmmm.....when I done with my job in RC then I open Ameba Pico and guess what? The Server was Error
    and then i like grr...grrr...
    Server Error
    I only wanted to chek my pico >_< I have nothing to do and go to sleep.....hope tomorrow will back to normal.
    I wish pico can fix it as quick as possible.

    Tuesday, May 3, 2011


    Since 28 April I collect C$ lately cause 
    I want to buy a new escargot, wow its so cool. Many people already have  that and 
    I want that too :p, and maybe if i could i wanna have white tiger,i think when i have a pet the game more fun :D  and look at that cute tiger lol....Its my dream to buy expensive stuff like that but it will take a little bit more time to get that :(

    First time I collect C$ i play Blackjack, i got a lot of C$ but i loss a lot too, soo turn my head and start playing Slot. It more benefit than BJ. I wish there will be more 5x slot campaign huhuhuhuuh


    Hello im BryceLoski (its my nick in ameba pico)First time i know Ameba Pico is from my friend, Nurul. She told me when i'm playing RC in facebook, when we are chating about education stuff, she told me that there is an exciting game that she played and she ask me to play that game....
    First I heard "Ameba Pico" it little bit strange in my ear and i wonder what is ameba pico lol. When i started it i really love that gamelittle confuse at the first but, fun. I create a cute character eyes blonde hair and a lovely smile. It more fun when i knew that ameba pico are socialization games.i met a view people with a quirky and unique style. I play it since last february or march, i little bit frorgot that :D.