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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Étoile Event 2011


      This is amazing right? there are two Photo contest and if you win there is a reward :D. I wanna follow this event and have more chance tho win :D. If you wanna follow this event just read this below. This from Étoile Family.


    Take a picture of you and your partner anywhere in Ameba Pico world starting May 23, 2011 to May 27,2011!

    Winners will be posted on Étoile blog and will be receiving 500AG from BryWIJ Étoile.

Étoile Photo Contest 2011

  • Date: From May 21, 2011 to May 27, 2011 and winners will be announce on May 28, 2011(Satuday)
  • Prize: 2 winners will be chosen by Étoiles will be posted on our blog + recieving 500AG each. The two winners will be contacted by BryWIJ Étoile. *Only one photo will be chosen. The BEST Couple Photo*
  • How to Join:
  1. Visit our Fanpage on face book and make sure you "Like" it for you to able to post your entry. <>
  2. Submit your photo with your Ameba Pico Nickname and do not change it and your face until the winners are announced.
  3. Make sure you have your own originality with your photo.

  • Make sure your photo has originality
  • Do not change your Pico Nickname as well ass your face until the announcement.
  • Post your Ameba Pico ID with your Photo.
Special Thanks to 

    BryWIJ  Étoile
    Étoile Family Membes
    Or follow this link

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