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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Work Hard

     Well, finally decided to make Julie Baker account or my 18th account woahahhaha. Yeah it's very hard to be newbie again or many pico called it "noob". Pirates Quest, ninja Quest and many stars that Julie must get that. Hmmm and theres anymore that Julie can do. Eventhough Julie has two buddies and a simplest room ever..... Not many pico ring that  room.

     And one thing that Julie hard to get are "Pico Props". Yeah, maybe if you want got a lot props you must make over as atractive as possible cause, many pico always props the other pico who atract them.

     This duty are need a lot days to finish it. And I admit it, I'm to lazy to do this duty DX. Waiting a singer who show up every 15 minutes. Steal Jewlery in Seaport, clean the boat, and other quest that making me sick doing this duty. I guess I never be a Pirate wahahahahah.

 You must  what is it. This is the first time your visit to Casino area... wahahah I love Casino area. First time Julie play is slot :D and fortunately there was an event slot! wohohoho yummy..... C$. 

After good enough for capital of BJ wahahahah. She play at Normal and win twice as she got. Many girls around BlackJack table and they think I'm a girl XD. Yeah, She make it as same as possible with the girl Hahahaha.

     After A long time Julie Play BJ and Bryce still slotting and I think this table looks Lucky and why not add Bryce at that table wohohoho. And we were chat so nicely. 

     Hope that Julie can get gummies more easily and not be noob again wohohohoh. Buy some nice dress and meet new friends.

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